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West Berkshire Historic Environment Record

Host Local Authority:
West Berkshire Council

Other Local Authority areas covered by HER:

Contact information for key staff:
NameJob Title TelephoneEmail
Beth Asbury Assistant Archaeologist (HER & Outreach)01635 519534 archaeology@westberks.gov.uk

Access to HER information:
Access to Online Database: Yes via Heritage Gateway 
Information on HER Services:https://www.westberks.gov.uk/her

Archaeology Team
Development and Housing
West Berkshire Council
Market Street
RG14 5LD

Office National Grid Reference: SU 4707 6680

Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 9.00 to 17.00  (office hours).

Visitor Facilities:
  • Physical access to the HER is currently unavailable. For access to reports and other sources, please contact the HER's staff for advice.

Range of information available:
The Historic Environment Record (HER) is a register of all known archaeological and historical sites in the unitary authority of West Berkshire. The database, with linked digital mapping, includes an index of fieldwork and excavations, bibliographic references and found archaeological objects. It also contains information on designated assets (Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens, and Registered Battlefields) and Locally Listed Heritage assets. The HER holds details of characterisation projects in West Berkshire (Historic Landscape Characterisation, the Newbury Historic Character Study and Historic Environment Character Zoning) and has access to a small collection of reports, journals and books.

Information correct as at 24 March 2025

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