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Shropshire HER
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The Shropshire Historic Environment Record is the single most comprehensive source of information on the historic environment in the county of Shropshire, now covered by the unitary authorities of Shropshire Council and the Telford and Wrekin Council. The HER contains records of archaeological sites, finds and features and historic buildings, structures and landscapes dating from early prehistory through to World War II and beyond.Shropshire's historic environment is an important cultural resource and one which we want to protect and enhance for the benefit of all. Our Record, which is fully accessible to the public, is constantly being maintained, updated and enhanced. It contains over 35,000 records of which some 14,000 relate to historic buildings and structures, and over 21,000 to archaeological sites and features, or other elements of the historic environment, such as find spots. The Shropshire HER also holds a wide range of supporting material including an archive of over 13,000 monochrome or colour ground photographs and 2,000 colour slides, and a collection of about 5,000 oblique aerial photographs.The recent Historic Landscape Character Assessment project mapped the modern landscape of the whole county in terms of its historic character, identifying for example many areas still characterised by traces of former field systems. This has now been incorporated into the HER. We also hold records and other material generated by a number of major, county wide or large area surveys, including the Shrewsbury Urban Archaeological Database (UAD) and Assessment, the Central Marches Historic Towns Survey and the Marches Uplands Survey. Finally, we hold a steadily growing collection of over 2000 "grey literature" (unpublished) reports on excavations, evaluations, watching briefs and building recording exercises. In 2007-8 a new programme of English Heritage funded aerial survey was initiated across the entire county, generating several thousand digital images. These digital images have been fully integrated into the HER. Recently completed, a countywide historic farmstead project has also provided valuable information on the character and of survival of Shropshire's farm buildings; an important element in our substantially agricultural landscape. This has also been integrated into the HER. The Shropshire Historic Environment Record is intended to be accessible to all; please contact us for further information.