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The National Heritage List for EnglandVisit The National Heritage List for England

The National Heritage List for England (NHLE) is the only official and up-to-date database for all nationally designated assets. The NHLE contains the official List Entry describing the designated asset and its location.

The Heritage List includes:

World Heritage Sites are recorded on the NHLE, but are separately inscribed by UNESCO

If you are unable to find what you are looking for on the NHLE, this does not mean the building or site isn't designated. Try using Help and FAQs or, if you are still unsure, please contact Historic England or your local planning authority.

NHLE records do not currently include images of listed buildings or other designated assets. If you are interested in viewing images, please check the results for Images of England and Viewfinder, both of which are included on the Heritage Gateway search.

For more information on Listed Buildings and Designation, please visit the Historic England website or email designation@HistoricEngland.org.uk